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[Welcome To Dr Ambedkar Law College]
'To impart quality cum value based education by establishing the-state-of-art group of institutions of Higher learning in Tirupati, a biggest Pilgrim centre in Asia'.
Dr Ambedkar Law College started its journey in 1991 under the stewardship of its Founder-correspondent, Mr R. Thippa Reddy, Bsc. LLM, Dr Ambedkar Law College was established in the month of September 1991, under Sri Lakshmi Venkateswara Educational Society, a registered organisation under The Societies Registration Act, 1860 registered on 4thMarch 1991 with the Government of Andhra Pradesh. Founded in 1991, Dr Ambedkar Law College is the best existing law school in India. This college was started at the feet of Lord Venkateswara in the temple town of Tirupati to cater the educational needs of the students from India and abroad. As the days passed, Tirupati has become world famous pilgrim centre and the Temple town is vastly developed in all respects.