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Dr. Dharmambal Govt. Polytechnic College for Women, Chennai
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Dr. Dharmambal Govt. Polytechnic College for Women
About College
The Planning Commission approved the establishment of three Technical Institutions for Women in the Chennai state during the Third Five Year Plan period in G.O. Ms. No.1597, education dated 9th June 1962. The Government decided to start a Women's Polytechnic in the Madras City during 1962-63 in the public sector. This was an important event in the history of technical education as it opened up for Women new vistas which had hitherto been the domain of men. The first Women's Polytechnic was started in Chennai on 6th September 1962 with an annual intake of 100. The present intake
Tharamani, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600113
Bharathidasan University
Bharathidasan University
Course Details
Diploma in Civil Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Garment Technology, Modern Office Practice, Architectural Assistantship (S.W), Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Cosmetology, Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering (Environmental Engg.), Post diploma in Computer Applications, Interior Design and Model Making