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Dronacharya College of Engineering, Cuttack
Find precise and comprehensive information on Dronacharya College of Engineering located in the city of Cuttack. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
Dronacharya College of Engineering is synonymous of emergence, evolution and growth and when the ambitious, aspirant and magnanimous Management of Dronacharya Group of Institutions takes a stride on the path of progress, the sky is the limit. After having established an Engineering College of repute in the State of Haryana, the Management stepped across the border and made an in-road to Knowledge Park-III at Greater Noida in the year 2006 with an intake of 240 for various Branches of B.Tech., under the same historic nomenclature. The inspiring name of Guru Dronacharya moved out of Gurugram i.e. Gurgaon to Gautam Budha Nagar, the city named after Budha rightly called the �Light of Asia� by Edwin Arnold. In the session 2007-2008 the Department of Management was established as an additional Branch of 60 seats. The College has an imposing building and it is going to attain a historic look with the latest technology.
The College presents a commendable confluence of the traditional and the contemporary. Ours is a glorious �Gurukula� that stands apart and a class by itself. With our roots in the tradition, we nurture our budding Engineers and Managers to enable them craft and crave out enviable careers with dreams in their eyes and front foot put forward towards a fantastic future.
Dronacharya College of Engineering, Farrukhnagar