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Durgapur Institute Of Advanced Technology And Management, Durgapur
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Durgapur Institute Of Advanced Technology And Management
About College
Certified as ISO 9001:2000 Institution for quality training, education and management system.
Total built-up area of 1,45,000 sq.ft.
Approved by All India Council of Technical Education(A.I.C.T.E), Govt. of India.
Affiliated to West Bengal University of Technology(W.B.U.T) and Department of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal.
Spacious, well-ventilated classrooms having Overhead Projectors and audio and visual teaching aids for the teaching-learning process.
Well equipped Workshops and Laboratories in engineering and basic sciences.
Large Computer Centre with over 230 nos. of p-iv computer, student: Computer ratio 1:1 Internet with Leased /ISDN lines for all students.
Medical care unit with specialist doctors.
In-campus Cooperative Store.
Fully equipped multi-gym and indoor / outdoor games facilities.
In-campus communication facilities (STD/ISD/FAX/E-mail).
Large faculty room to give personal attention to students by faculty members.
All are cordially invited to visit the institute premises to have a first hand experience of DIATM that stands for excellence in the field of technological education in an environment that matches best standards.
The DIATM team have tiedup with HP in providing professional training in Java development and Linux administration.
In a bid to ensure zero-benchtime professionals, the college has arranged software training with IBM in Java & J2EE.