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G. S. College of Commerce and Economics, Jabalpur
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Till 1948 the existing institutions could not impart education in the field of Commerce. This became the main reason for students to leave the city which caused many inconveniences and unnecessary expenditure.With extraordinary foresight for the potential of commerce education the famous educational institution of Wardha, �Shiskha Mandal� diligently pursued the establishing of a Commerce College. With the benevolent charity of the famous industrialist Seth Govindram Seksaria the dream was fulfilled in 1942.This College is the largest centre for commerce education in Madhya Pradesh. Adhering to the norms of Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur, this College imparts education in the field of commerce - B.Com., B.B.A., B.C.A., B.Ed., M.Com., M. A. (Economics) and ManagementKeeping in view the requirement and conveniences of the students, separate Hindi and English Medium Classes have been arranged. From the beginning this College has received the services of experienced, qualified and potentially capable teachers. The teaching staff responsibly and industriously encourages the students to follow the Gandhian principle of �Simple living, High Thinking". All Professors have been awarded Ph.D�s in their respective subjects. About 100 students have received guidance for research and have been awarded PhD's. At present approximately 50 research students are being supervised by our Staff Members.
Civil Line,, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
B.B.A, BCA, B.Com, M.A, M.Com, Other
Course Details
B.Com, B.Com(Tax procedure & Practice), B.Com(Computer Application), M.Com, M.A.(Economics), B.Ed, B.B.A., B.C.A., P.G. Diploma in Personnel Management(PGDPM), P.G. Diploma in Entrepreneurship & Small Unit Management(PGDESUM), P.G. Diploma in Marketing Management(PGDMM), Master Degree in Human Resource Administration - MA(H.R.A.), Masters' Degree in Marketing Administration - MA(Mktg Admn), P.G. Diploma in Service Management(PGDSM)