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Home » Colleges » Government College of Technology
Government College of Technology, Coimbatore |
Find precise and comprehensive information on Government College of Technology located in the city of Coimbatore. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
College Name |
Government College of Technology |
About College |
The Government College of Technology, Coimbatore formerly known as the Arthur Hope College of Technology, was started in July 1945 in accordance with the general policy of the then Government of Madras to give high priority to technical education under the post-war reconstruction schemes in order to meet the demand for trained engineers for various industrial and development projects in the State and the rest of India. The offer of the premises including offices and portions of the workshop and Hostel of the National Electric Works free of rent for a period of three years together with a donation of Rs. 2,00,000 by the well-known industrialist and philanthropist of Coimbatore the Late G.D. Naidu, enabled the college to be started in July 1945. The College was afterwards shifted to the present permanent site of about 45 hectares on the Thadagam Road in June 1950. The College was then renamed Government College of Technology and was affiliated to the University of Madras in 1951.Though initially only Civil and Electrical Engineering branches were offered the Mechanical Engineering branch was introduced in the year 1952.
The main building of the College was formally opened by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, the then Vice President of India on 8th October 1959 .The Syllabus for Engineering Studies was revised and the five - year Semester System was introduced from the academic year 1968 - 69.The three-year B.E. Degree course for B.Sc., graduates was introduced in the year 1963-64 in Civil and Mechanical Engineering branches but was subsequently abolished. A new, branch in Electronics and Communication Engineering was started in the academic year 1970 - 71.Post graduate degree courses in Structural Engineering (Civil) & Engineering Design (Mechanical) were started during 1971. |
Address |
Thadagam Road,
Coimbatore |
Location |
Coimbatore |
University |
Autonomous |
Affiliations |
Not specified |
Courses |
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