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Guwahati College of Architecture, Guwahati
Find precise and comprehensive information on Guwahati College of Architecture located in the city of Guwahati. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
The Trust intends to start a Bachelor of Architecture course initially and as it progresses, it intends to develop at the earliest the College of Architecture as one of the finest College for the North East States of India. It shall further develop Master?s Course in Architecture
with a full fledged infrastructure and faculty. In the near future the Trust shall also include course of allied Arts for the benefit of Architectural course. The North East India with her eight States, has her own unique heritage in culture and architecture. Being the premier institute in the NE Region the school shall preserve the cultural heritage and shall be premier to give modernization its true meaning in architecture yet with a culture flavour. The institute shall evolve with the cultural heritage of the region where the designs would be sensitive to the natural environ of the place than being dictated by the technologies.