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Indian Law Societys Law College (ILS Law College), Pune
Find precise and comprehensive information on Indian Law Societys Law College (ILS Law College) located in the city of Pune. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
The Indian Law Society was established in 1923 as a Public Charitable Trust registered under the Societies Registration Act. The Indian Law Society established the Law College in 1924, which has since then established itself as a premier institute for legal studies in India. In 2004, the ILS Law College was accredited the A+ level by NAAC. It has a library of about 45,000 volumes plus about a hundred periodicals, one of the biggest law libraries in India. Some of the old law reports available in the library are nowhere else to be found. The library is also equipped with modern amenities like a photocopying machine and computers. ILS Law college offers courses in the Three Year as well as the Five year LL.B. Degree, Master's degree in Labour Laws and Labour Welfare and Diploma in Taxation Laws.
Law College Road, Pune-411004, Maharashtra
University of Pune
University of Pune
Course Details
Five year LL.B. Degree Master in Labour Laws and Labour Welfare Diploma in Taxation Laws
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