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International Management Institute, Noida
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International Management Institute (IMI) was established in 1981, as an autonomous non-profit educational society under the Societies Registration Act 1860 in collaboration with International Management Institute, Geneva to meet the widely felt need for internationally oriented management education/ training for managers at all levels in industry, government and public systems. The academic program�s of the institute continues to enjoy full support of the corporate sector as well as the Government of India since its inception. Today, IMI holds a place of distinction among the premier schools of management for being the first corporate sponsored business school with strong international orientation in India.
IMI follows international standard curricula in its programs, which has been enriched by its academic collaborations with International Institute for Management Development (IIMD), Lausane (erstwhile International Management Institute, Geneva); Faculty of Management, McGill University, Montreal, and Manchester Business School, U.K, prepares participants to successfully manage and lead in an increasingly global business environment. IMI�s educational programs have been recognized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India.
The corporate world in India, public, private, multinational companies, international consulting firms and other organizations have employed its alumni who are rightly called, the Achievers.
IMI is registered under section 12A(a) as a trust under the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The income of the Institute is exempted under section 80G and 10(22) and for research under section 35(I) (iii) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 as an Institution solely for educational purposes.
In keeping with the ideology, IMI offers four postgraduate programs:
Postgraduate Program in International Management (PGPIM)
Postgraduate Program in Management (PGPM)
Post Graduate Program (PGP)
Fellow Programs in Management (FPM)
In addition, the institute offers a full range of custom-made in-company programs, and Executive Development Programs (EDPs), all geared to enrich creativity and ability to manage in a dynamic global environment. The Institute also has an active research and consulting base viz: Center for Managing Innovation and Technology and Center for Social Sector Governance to enhance the body of knowledge.
The Management programs are designed to enable a selective number of young professionals who have been judged to have high potential, to reach responsible positions in industry. The programs at IMI foster integrative capabilities with cross-functional program modules that synthesize a number of specialized disciplines into unified learning experience.
A highly committed team of internationally qualified and experienced faculty enjoys respect and recognition by the academic community, industry and Government.
Qutab Institutional Area ,
Tara Crescent,
New Delhi - 110016
international management institute
MI presently has alliances with:ESC, Rennes, France,AIT, Bangkok, Thailand,International Institute of Management, Graz, Austria,Flinders University, A
Course Details
# Two Year full-time Post Graduate Programme in Ma