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J N T University College of Engineering, Hyderabad
Find precise and comprehensive information on J N T University College of Engineering located in the city of Hyderabad. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
The college was established in 1965 as Nagarujunasagar Engineering College by the Government of Andhra Pradesh, With the information of Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University in 1972, it has became a Constituent College of the University and was renamed as JNTU college of Engineering, Hyderabad. After being located in temporary buildings, the College was shifted to the present 100- acre site in Kukatpally in 1985. The College celebrated its silver jublee in 1990. Initially the college offered B.Tech Degree courses in basic Engineerig / Technology fields, namely. Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Later, keeping in view the needs of the society, new courses were added. They are Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Metellurgical Engineering, and Printing Technology, Besides these regular Engineering Degree courses. The college also provies a four-year continuing educatgion for diploma holders leading to B.Tech. Degrees. There are two streams available under continuing education and they are (i) regular evening and (ii) correspondence cum contact program.
Besides these B.Tech. Courses, College also offers M.Tech( Regular) M.Tech. ( PPG), M.Tech ( SSS), MCA, MSc, M.Phil and Ph.D. Programmes. The college has the following departments offered the below courses: