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Jaypee University of Information Technology, Patna
Find precise and comprehensive information on Jaypee University of Information Technology located in the city of Patna. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
Jaiprakash Sewa Sansthan (JSS) is a trust registered under the Income tax act, 1961, established by The Jaypee group and its motto is "Growth with a human face". It is 'not for profit' trust with a zeal which can reduce the pain and distress in the society. Initially the focus was on the people in the vicinity of the group's cement establishments. However, the intention was and is to reach out further and to touch more lives meaningfully.
Socio-economic development of the neighbouring villages of our Cement Complex near Rewa received upmost attention with emphasis on education. A comprehensive Rural Development programme (CRDP) was developed and implemented. 13 Villages in its neighbourhood have been adopted for healthcare, animal care, literacy, drinking water, employment generating schemes and infrastructure.
With passage of time, justifiably, education is receiving greater attention from us. The intention is to provide education at all levels of the learning curve from grass root to higher technical plane, provided practically free, to the children of lower strata of the society and economically weaker sections and on vocational training so that they stand on their own legs and become economically independent.