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JSS College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Mysore, Mysore
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The JSS Mahavidyapeetha was founded in 1954 by His Holiness Jagadguru Dr. Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji with the objective of providing education and health care especially to the rural mass. The Vidyapeetha -under the able guidance of present President His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji now runs more than 314 institutions in India and abroad. The JSS Mahavidyapeetha is a socio-cultural institution that has pioneered the concept of education as a tool for social change. While the focus has been on providing opportunities for formal education, there is a strong parallel thrust on values, ethics and the meeting of societal obligations. This is an institution that adopts a multi-pronged approach to ensure a better quality of life. Today JSS MVP has grown into a social force that transcends boundaries and cultures. Institutions in its fold go beyond education to span creches, old age homes, cooperatives, rural development, orphanages, vocational training, publications and even cultural revival and the protection of our heritage. Every activity that the JSS MVP undertakes is aimed at the furtherance of its objective of a brighter, more fruitful future for society at large. The college is autonomous, affiliated to the University of Mysore and is co-educational in character. The institution has been accredited by NAAC -National Assessment and Accreditation Council with 'Four Stars'. An important aim and objective of the college lies in molding the character of young students with emphasis on moral values. University of Mysore has recommended to the UGC to declare the college as a "Potential College for Excellence".
Ooty Road, Mysore, Karnataka - 570010
University of Mysore
University of Mysore
B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, Diploma/ITI, M.Sc
Course Details
B.A, B.Sc, B.Com, B.B.M, M.S.W, M.Sc(Biotechnology), Post-graduate diploma in Embeded Systems(PGDES), Post-graduate diploma in Sharana Sahithya(PGDSS), Diploma in Horticulture, Diploma in Industrial Microbiology, Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Equipment Maintenance, Diploma in Study of Sharana Sahitya, Advanced Diploma in Horticulture, Advanced Diploma in Industrial Microbiology, Advanced Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Equipment Maintenance, Advanced Diploma in Study of Sharana Sahitya
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