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Jyothismathi Institute of Technical Sciences (JITS), Hyderabad
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Jyothismathi Institute of Technical Sciences (JITS)
About College
Jyothishmati Institute of Technology & Science was established in August 1997, by Shalini Vidya Samstha, Karimnagar, under the chairmanship of Sri J.Sagar Rao who has vast experience in successfully running the Jyothishmathi Group Of Institutions in Karimnagar. The Institute is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE), New Delhi and is affliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU),Hyderabad.
We are very glad to note that Jyothishmathi Institute Of Technology & Science has made rapid strides since its inception and has grown into one of the leading Engineering Colleges in Andhra Pradesh with an intake capacity of 420 students in 5 disciplines of B.Tech Courses and 60 intake capacity in M.C.A. course.The college has established a name for itself in imparting quality technical education in the A.P. state.We are proud to say that this college bagged 2 Gold Medals,in the last three out-going batches.