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Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology, Chennai
Find precise and comprehensive information on Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology located in the city of Chennai. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
Our Institution was established in 1998 by Virudhunagar Hindu Nadar Devasthanam, Mahamai tharappus in Virudhunagar and other places and also by the educational institutions run by them. Our College has an excellent track record of imparting Total Quality Education, along with high level of discipline. Ideally located on the home land of Karmaveerar "Bharat Ratna" K. Kamaraj, our institution is one of the Virudhunagar's most recognisable icons, due to the fabulous donation of Rs.50 Lakhs given by our beloved Patron Thiru.A.S.K.A.M. Nagarajan, 25 Acres Land donated by our Founder Secretary Er.S.P.G.C. Srimurugan for this Institution and liberal contributions from Devasthanam, Mahamai Tharappus and Educational Institutions.