Find precise and comprehensive information on Kamla Lohtia Sanatan Dharam College, Ludhiana, Punjab located in the city of Ludhiana. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
Sh. Muni Lal Lohtia, Prop. of Ludhiana Steel Rolling Mills and known philanthropist, donated Rs. 5 lacs as a seed money to Shri Sanatan Dharam Sabha to establish a college in the sacred memory of his wife late Smt. Kamla Lohtia. The college was established in July,1992. The college imparts qualitative education in order to shape versatile personality. The institution also desires to concentrate on knowledge of age-old cultural heritage through sanatanist rituals, ceremonies, spiritual knowledge etc. The college is a Post-Graduate institution offering 04 Under-Graduates, three Post-Graduate, six Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma Cources and one P.G. Diploma in Computer Applications. It is a Self-financing institution. The college is affiliated to Punjab University, Chandigarh and situated in the heart of Ludhiana city. The college is recognised under 2(f) and 12B on 17th October 1996. The campus area is 05 acres.
The college offers a range of options in B.A. and B. Com. Programmes. Besides, this college offers Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Computer Application at UG level. At Post Graduate level college has Economics, Commerce and Information Technology subjects. The college also provides certificate courses in Information Technology, Computer Applications and Tax Procedures and Practices leading to Diploma and Advanced Diploma Levels. The total number of students enrolled in the college is 1036 out of these 809 are undergraduate students, 132 in Post-Graduate courses and 95 in Certificate Courses.
The recruitment of teachers is through the Punjab University rules and regulations. There are 17 permanent teachers among them three having Ph.D., 08 have M. Phil and six have Post-Graduation as the highest qualification. The total number of temporary teachers is twenty-three. The non-teaching strength is 19 out of which 18 are administrative and one technical staff. The support service includes Central Library, Computer Centre, Health Centre, Sports facilities, Residential facility, Canteen etc. The college follows Semester as well as Annual system of temporal plan of academic work as per University guidelines.
The college encourages research aptitude among teachers and students. In all there are 17 permanent teachers and out of them only 03 possess Doctoral Degree. Some of the Teachers have published articles. The academic quality of publications in journals needs improvement and research articles need to be published in referred journals. Three research scholars are registered as part-time scholars in the subjects of English, Commerce and Economics.
The institution provides sufficient learning resources to all its constituencies. It has one central library equipped with 8149 textbooks. The college subscribes to 25 magazines and 05 academic journals. The College Library Advisory Committee recommends purchases of books and newspapers. The reading rooms in the central library are in sound condition. Articles of furniture in the library are sufficient. Photostat facility both for staff and students is available in the central library besides, providing other facilities such as computers, audio and video-cassettes, CD-Roms and educational soft wares. The Book-bank facility is also available in the library. The working hours of the central library is 9 am to 4 pm on all working days. The college has started efforts for computerization of library activities. Departmental library facility is available in the PG Departments of Economic, Commerce and Computer Information Technology.
The college budget for the year 2004-05 has an excess of income for Rs. 9284928/- over expenditure amounting to Rs. 7617017/-. The internal audit mechanism is sound and transparent. The Principal, Bursar and Accounts Clerk properly check the financial transactions. Cashbooks are maintained properly. The Chartered Accountant audits all transactions to ensure financial propriety. Budgeting and auditing procedures are regular and effective.
The college, which was established in the year 1992 with 134 students can take a legitimate pride with 1036 students at present. It is one of the premier educational institutions with a proud history of 13 years affiliated to Punjab University Chandigarh. It has Under-Graduate, Post Graduate, Post Graduate Diploma and Certificate Courses. As per the requirements of the society the college introduced job-oriented subjects such as Information Technology, Computer Application, Tax Procedures and Practices, Functional English, Bank Management and Adervertising Sales Management The college has also started some efforts to develop Professional link with other Institutes providing professional competency. The students are regular, attentive and maintain good discipline and decorum. As far as the Management is concerned, this Institution is fortunate in having a leadership at the apex that blends vision with pragmatism.
Subhash Nagar, Daresi Road, P.B. No. 245
Ludhiana Panjab University
Ludhiana Panjab University
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