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Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore
Find precise and comprehensive information on Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences located in the city of Coimbatore. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
Karunya University was founded with the noble vision to raise professionals and leaders of high academic calibre and unblemished character, nurtured with a strong motivation and commitment to serve humanity. The Karunya Institute of Technology was started as a private self-financing engineering college on 4 October 1986. In 2004, the institute was awarded the Deemed to be University status in recognition of its academic excellence by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India and subsequently renamed as Karunya University under section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 vide Notification No. 9-3-2000-U3 dated. 23.6.2004 of the Government of India.
Karunya University is into its 22nd year of service in Higher education with specific focus on Engineering and Technology. In the short span of its existence it has moved swiftly ahead to carve a niche for itself as an institution promoting all round excellence. In a nutshell, Karunya is a co-educational, fully residential, Technological University imparting holistic education to develop the body, mind and spirit of the students.
Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences
Karunya Nagar, Siruvani Main Road, Coimbatore - 641114.