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KJ Somaiya Medical College & Research Centre, Mumbai
Find precise and comprehensive information on KJ Somaiya Medical College & Research Centre located in the city of Mumbai. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
The College and hospital are located in a H-shaped buildign in Sion, Mumbai The College houses the Pre - and para clinical departments with their laboratories, library, Lecture halls, seminar rooms and Animal House. The Hospital has outpatient in-patient, casualty and laboratory services. It has 700 beds for the in-patients who are looked after free and are also given free food. There are 5 major Operation theatres, a minor operation theatre, Radio diagnosis department, Physiotherapy and Pharmacy. The casualty offers 24 hours service. There is a Urban Family Welfare Centre and 5 rural health centres. A 48 bedded rural health centre at Nareshwadi is also attached to the College. There is a canteen, facilities for indoor and outdoor games for the students.