Find precise and comprehensive information on Madras Medical College located in the city of Chennai. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
The Madras Medical College, Madras, India, established in 1835, is one of the oldest Medical Colleges in the Indian Subcontinent. This Homepage was created by me, Bala Chidambaram with the intention of bringing all MMCites closer, improve communication among friends and re-establish long-lost contacts. I have devoted hundreds of hours of my work and money to establish this site and maintain it. It is my hope that all MMCites feel themselves part of this great community of physicians, who have excelled in every field of medicine, and in practically every part of the world Please remember to leave your comments on the Guest book. The Bulletin Board may be used to post messages to MMCites in general, to arrange class reunions, exchange season's greetings etc. Please visit this site often and send in your ideas and any contributions to the homepage. MMC Pride will shine around the world.