Find precise and comprehensive information on Maharashtra Medical Council located in the city of Mumbai. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
Maharashtra Medical Council is a Statutory Body, established by the law of the State i.e. Maharashtra Medical Council Act 1965. The formation of the Council is on democratic basis with elected members, few nominated and two ex-officio members. The first and foremost function of Maharashtra Medical Council is to give registration to Medical graduates in Modern medicine.
Preserving and pursuing medical ethics at all levels is one of the most important function of Maharashtra Medical Council. It has to see that, medical ethics are observed by the Medico�s and the dignity, decorum and sancity of Medical Profession is maintained and preserved. The Maharashtra Medical Council is a quasi Judicial body with a power to punish the erring medical practitioners.
Based on the above functions various complaints are lodged with Maharashtra Medical Council by aggrieved persons about negligence, misbehaviour, extravagant charges, failure to give adequate medical services and criminal offences etc. The complaints are also lodged about the unethical behaviour, self-glorification, advertisement of the lay press etc. Making the enquiry of the medical person against whom the complaints are lodged is one of the important function of the Maharashtra Medical Council, as a quasi judicial body. Maharashtra Medical Council has created an image as one of the most progressive Council in the Country.
Recently, the Government of Maharashtra has amended Maharashtra Medical Council election rules, whereby the election by postal ballot has been replaced by direct secret ballot system.