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Maharashtra Nursing Council (MNC) will conduct workshops for nursing teachers to orient them to the new syllabus to be implemented from August 2004. The new syllabus will have four theory papers in the first year, besides a separate paper on psychology and sociology with a school examination. The second year will have computer education, school examination in and a separate paper on mental health and psychiatric nursing. The third year students will have a separate paper on paediatric nursing, with gynaecology being included with midwifery in third year. Besides, the third year students will have three practical examination.
Says Mangla Anchan, registrar, MNC, �The existing syllabus was being taught since 1986, and needed to be revised to incorporate the latest techniques of communication , impact of educational technology, advances in medical sciences, modern trends in evaluation. The syllabus is revised to meet the changes in National Health policy, population policy, priorities of the government , demands of consumer for quality care, level and aspirations of new entrants to nursing.�
The duration of the course has been increased from three years to three and a half years, besides an internship of six months. New subjects such as English, computer education, educational methods and media for teaching in practice of nursing, importance of good communication skill in nursing have been incorporated.