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Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic Vishwavidyalaya (MMYVV) is the university of the pure and applied knowledge of Veda which has been brought to light by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as Vedic Science and Technology.
Established in 1995 by a unanimous Act of the Legislative Assembly of Madhya Pradesh and recognised by the University Grants Commission (UGC), MMYVV has been founded to introduce enlightenment on all levels of education and to create Sattwa in collective consciousness. This Act of the Government of Madhya Pradesh is the fulfilment of the thousands-of-years-old world-wide search for a perfect system of education to develop a complete man -- a man who has the ability to utilise all the laws of Nature and win the support of the infinite organising power of Natural Law -- a fully educated man living Heaven on Earth.
MMYVV was inaugurated on 3 October 95, Vijayadashmi Day, by the Honourable Digvijay Singh, Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh and the Honourable Mukesh Nayak, Minister of Higher Education, Sports & Youth Welfare (Independent Charge), in the presence of dignitaries and special guests from Japan, USA, Holland, Germany and many parts of India.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic Vishwavidyalaya offers courses from Parichaya to Vidya Varadhi levels in Vedic disciplines, and diploma and degree courses in management and vocational education. Now entering its third academic session, MMYVV presently has over 1500 students enrolled at 77 campuses in 45 districts throughout Madhya Pradesh. The main campus is being constructed in the centre of India, the Brahma-Sthan of Ved Bhumi, near Jabalpur.
MMYVV integrates the objective approach of modern science with the subjective approach of Maharishi's Vedic Science to unfold the creative genius of every student, raise individual life and society out of problems, and bring perfection to personal and professional life.
At all educational levels of MMYVV, one period per day is dedicated to the study of Maharishi's Vedic Science and Technology. In addition, every discipline is taught in the light of Maharishi's Vedic Science -- the Science of Consciousness, the source of all disciplines of modern education. By offering Maharishi's Vedic Science Based System of Education -- Consciousness based education, Atma based education -- MMYVV brings fulfilment to the unfulfilled objective approach of Science, Arts, and Commerce.
Tahsil - Sihora Post - Paan Umariya Distt. Katni,
Sikkim Manipal
Sikkim Manipal
BCA, Other
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