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The Trust
Mailam Subramania Swamy Educational Trust was established, with a view to provide education to the rural society, under the chairmanship of an eminent philanthropist Sri N.Kesavane. The trust sponsored Mailam Engineering College to impart quality education in Engineering and Technology to the mankind. Mailam, a sacred and serene place, is choosen to establish the college since it is backward both educationally and economically. The trust has aimed this to be a model institution in Tamil Nadu, so it is indubitable that students studying here will be attaining a sound technical knowledge for their personal aggrandizement. The institution strive to produce not only good Engineers but also disciplined citizens who can contribute for the constructive development of our country.
The Institution
Mailam Engineering College, a self-financing institution, was established in 1998 with three under graduate courses. Realizing that it is very imperative to stay ahead with the latest development in the digital era, the college diversified itself by starting additional courses on Information Technology, Electronics & Communication Engineering and a post graduate programe in Master of Computer Applications(MCA), M.Sc - Information Technology.The college is approved by AICTE, New Delhi and affiliated to theAnna University, Chennai. The college is coming up in a sprawling campus, with a blend of beautiful green landscaping and aesthetic elegance, of about 42 acres situated adjacent to Sri Subramania Swamy Temple, Mailam and SriVakkrakali Amman Koil, Thiruvakkarai, which provides the campus a tranquil and pleasant atmosphere for the pursuit of technical education.
Mailam, a renowned pilgrim spot of religious importance, is in Villupuram district, TamilNadu, India. It is well connected by road from Thindivanam (12 km), Villupuram (30 km) and Pondicherry (30 km). Mailam is 5 km east of the national highway connecting Chennai and Villupuram. The nearest airport is Chennai (100 km).
Mailam Engineering College
Mailam, Tindivanam Taluk, Villupuram Dist.,
Tamil Nadu, South India, India