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Home » Colleges » Maulana Azad College Of Engg. And Tech.
Maulana Azad College Of Engg. And Tech., Patna |
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College Name |
Maulana Azad College Of Engg. And Tech. |
About College |
It is a well-established fact that Muslims are educationally deprived and economically depressed. Underlying the 15-Point Programme of the Prime Minister of India for enlistment of the minorities is the realization that education, particularly Technical Education, constitutes an important instrument of social and economics transformation and as long as there persists social communities, which are educationally backward, the goal of national development and national integration would continue to elude the nation.
The percentage of Muslims in Government Engineering Colleges had gradually gone down from 10% in 1947 to 2.5% in 1996 and where depleting further with time because of their economic deprivation which they felt happening as a reflection of discriminatory treatment. Realizing the ill effects of keeping 14% of the population of the state educationally backward and economically weak, some eminent Muslims of Bihar decided to mobilize the internal resources of the community to ameliorate their educational backwardness instead of depending entirely on the state Government for action.
A Society now known a MILLAT EDUCATION SOCIETY was registered under the societies Registration Act, 1860. The society decided to sponsor an Engineering College at Patna. The engineering College was named after Maulana abul Kalam Azad, a scholar of traditional Islamic Sciences, a great intellectual, a journalist, an ideologue, a thinker, a nationalist, a leading freedom fighter and a towering politician. |
Address |
po neora patna
city office
mariam manzil anisabad
patna 800002 |
Location |
Patna |
University |
Affiliations |
Courses |
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