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Home » Colleges » Modi Institute Of Technology ,Kota.
Modi Institute Of Technology ,Kota., Kota |
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College Name |
Modi Institute Of Technology ,Kota. |
About College |
The Chairman
Dr. R. N. Modi is the chairman of the SRD Modi Vidhya Niketan Society. In recognition to his social contribution in the field of education, the International Open University Corporation and the International University Louisiana, USA, bestowed upon him Cultural Doctorate in literature. Dr. Modi presides as the chairman of the MIT ( Modi Institute of Technology), MIMT (Modi Institute of Management and Technology), Study center for IGNOU and SRD Modi College for women, Dadabari and Modi Public School, Kota.
Vice Chairman
Sh.Sushil Modi
Shri Sushil Modi is a colossus exhibiting abiding concern for high quality education perpetuated by his multifaceted genius. Under his support the management committee is giving shape to the all round developement of MIT. Shri Sushil Modi was awarded MBA degree from International University Louisiana, USA. Shri Modi has also started Modi Classes, a premier Institute for IIT-JEE and AIEEE examination coaching. These classes are held at Modi Public School, Dadabari, Kota.
Prof.(Dr.) P.S.Tiwari
With the onset of new millennium the information age has profoundly established itself with its multidimensional ramifications to influence every bit of human life. Telecommunication has exhibited an explosive growth during the past two decades all over the world. Digital signal processing, digital transmission, micro miniaturization of semiconductor devices, development and evolution in computer hardware and software have been essentially responsible for speeding up the technologies harnessed in telecommunication and information technology. Indigenous development, privatization and liberalization have extended themselves in availability of world-class infrastructure and sub-systems in our country.
It has been this reasoning of keeping pace with the technology that Modi Institute of Technology was founded in the year 2001 to offer B.E. degree courses in the most relevant areas of technology viz. Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Electrical Engineering.
The goal of this institution, as it should be for any educational institute, has been to fulfil the aspirations of the society in respect of prevailing contemporary scenario. During the course of last 4 years MIT has established itself on a firm footing to assure the society for its transcendence to a glorious leading national technical institute in this region of Rajasthan. As the first institute to get its seats filled among all the engineering colleges in the private sector in the State in the centralized admissions in the last two consecutive years, MIT has demonstrated the evidence of perennial effort for merit and quality. The Institute is developing in leaps and bounds in terms of infrastructural facilities and human resources not only to fulfil the requirements of the current technological status but also to establish itself as a teaching and research centre for foreseeable future. Founded under the doctrine of dedication, discipline, perseverance and honesty, the Institute aspires to bloom with its fragrance of glory spreading in the Nation omni directionally. At this juncture, it is befitting to congratulate each and every student of the Institute for seeking a place in this Institution and appeal for concerted efforts to glorify the almamater.
Address |
P.O. Borabas, Distt. Kota-324001 (Rajasthan) |
Location |
Kota |
University |
University Of Rajasthan. |
Affiliations |
Not specified |
Courses |
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