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National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Mohali
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National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER)
About College
The National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), SAS Nagar, celebrated its foundation day on Thursday. Prof D. Balasubramanian, Director of Research, L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad delivered the Foundation Day Lecture, �From Bench to Bedside: Translating Basic Research Findings into improving Health�, to mark the occasion.
Speaking on medical research, he outlined the steps the government has taken in the area of drug discovery and emphasised on medi........more
Pharma industry rues govt failure to provide relief
The small scale pharma industry has rued the failure of the Government of India to provide them relief in the form of increase in abatement.
Though the Economic Advisory Council, headed by Dr C Rangarajan, had recommended an increase in abatement (calculating excise duty) from 40 per cent to 60 per cent, the abatement increase offered to the SSI in pharma sector is only 42.5 per cent (to cater for increase of 6 per cent Trade Margin after MRP Inclusive of Taxes regime effective 2........more
Snags in royal rituals
After a hectic schedule at Anandpur Sahib , the Duchess of Cornwall had a bad day at the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) here today.
First, her dress was left dripping and soiled while she was planting a sapling and then she fell down when she was about to sit to sign the visitor�s book. The Prince sitting next to her ,sprung to his feet and steadied her up back into the chair.
Mohali (SAS Nagar), Punjab
Panjab University
Panjab University
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