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National Institute Of Science and Technology, Bhubaneshwar
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It has been the desire of many engineering technocrats originating from Orissa that an engineering institute of international standard needs to be established in Orissa. This was the motivating factor behind the establishment of the National Institute of Science & Technology. This institute was set up and is managed by the SM Charitable Educational Trust with the aim of promoting higher technical education. This is not only first engineering college under Berhampur University but also the first one in Orissa aiming to become a center of excellence in technical education at par with the best universities of the world.
Orissa accounts for a mere 3 percent of the engineers graduating each year in the nation, which is an abysmally low figure. This has led to an acute shortage of trained technical manpower in Orissa, which in turn leads to lowered industrial growth and productivity. In this era of globalization and industrial resurgence of India, there is an urgent need for highly educated, dynamic and self-motivated engineers to usher in a new spirit of technological leadership. The National Institute of Science and Technology aims to fulfill this need.
National Institute Of Science and Technology
Ph : (0680) 2492421, 2492422, Fax : 2492627
Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Rourkela
The Institute was established in 1996 with the approval of the AICTE (All India Council of Technical Education) and Government of Orissa. It is presen