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National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), Delhi
Find precise and comprehensive information on National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) located in the city of Delhi. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) is a premier institutes for research, training and information dissemination in urban development and management. Established in 1976, as an autonomous body under the Societies Registration Act, the Institute enjoys the support and commitment of the Ministry of Urban Affairs and Employment, Government of India, State Governments, urban and regional development authorities and other agencies concerned with urban issues. The Institute's policies and directions are determined by the Governing Council consisting of a President, who is appointed by the Government of India, two Vice-Presidents, three members of the Government of India in their ex-officio capacity, twelve other members, and the Director, the Chief Executive of the Institute, as the member-secretary.
Core 4B, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, Delhi 110003
University of Delhi
University of Delhi
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