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Set in a picturesque landscape at the foothills of the Western Ghats, National Institute of Technology Calicut (NITC) is located about 22 kilometers north-east of Calicut City. National Institute of Technology Calicut is one of the premier national institutions for technical education in India. This was formerly known as Calicut Regional Engineering College (CREC). CREC was born in September 1961 as the ninth of its kind and the first one to be established during the Third Five Year Plan period. It has been established with the idea of fostering national integration by imparting technical education to students from all over India. Ministry of Human Resource Development accorded Deemed University Status to NIT Calicut in June 2002. NITC is administered by a society registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1960. Under the constitution of the society, a Board of Governors governs the Institute. At present, the Chairman, Board of governors is Dr. P. Rama Rao, ISRO Dr. Brahm Prakash Distinguished Professor and the Director-in-Charge is Dr. Nagaraj B. N.
National Institute of Technology Calicut,
NIT Campus P.O.,
Calicut - 673 601