Find precise and comprehensive information on NIT Hamirpur located in the city of Hamirpur. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur is one of the seventeen NITs the country, established in 1986 as a joint and cooperative enterprise of the Govt. of India and Govt. of Himachal Pradesh. The goals of the institute as embodied in the logo are truly remarkable in their scope of vision. The college gives undergraduate and Postgraduate education in engineering, fostering the spirit of national integration among the students, a close interaction with industry and a strong emphasis on research, both basic and applied. It has been given the status of Deemed University.
National Institute of Technology,
Hamirpur - 177 005 ,
Himachal Pradesh,