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Home » Colleges » Noorul Islam College Of Engineering
Noorul Islam College Of Engineering, Tuticorin |
Find precise and comprehensive information on Noorul Islam College Of Engineering located in the city of Tuticorin. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
College Name |
Noorul Islam College Of Engineering |
About College |
The college is run by the Noorul Islam Educational Trust and looked after by its Founder Chairman Dr. A.P. Majeed khan The Primary motto of the trust is to establish educational institutions of excellence, especially, in the field of engineering and technology so as to equip the youth of this place and its vicinity with the wisdom of system building.
The Noorul Islam College of Engineering - the NICE, was founded in the year 1989. It covers a land area of 225 - acres at Kumaracoil, Kanyakumari District, in the state of Tamil Nadu.
The College is approved by the Govt. of Tamil Nadu and the A.I.C.T.E. New Delhi. NICE is only a vocal-distance from the famous Lord Velmuruga Temple at Kumaracoil. It is only 15 km distance from Nagercoil, the district headquarters of Kanyakumari and 1.5 Km from the NH-47. The college campus lies on the lush-green base of velimalai, a part of Western Ghat hills. Padmanabhapuram, the capital of erstwhile Travancore is only 7-km away. Not too far, at 4-kms distance is the Thuckalay Town.
The NICE is affiliated to the Anna University, Chennai. At its inception the college admitted students only in two branches viz., Computer Science & Engineering, and Electronics and Communication Engineering. Subsequently during 93-94, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and in 94-95 degree courses of MBA and MCA were launched. During 95-96, Mechanical Engineering, 97-98, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, and in 98-99, Information Technology came into being. Now the college also runs university-affiliated courses viz., M.Sc Software Engineering, B.Sc Computer Technology and M.Sc. Computer Technology.
Institutions under N I Educational Trust
Noorul Islam Industrial Training Centre, Amaravilai.
Noorul Islam Polytechnic College, Punkarai
Noorul Islam College of Engineering, Kumaracoil.
Noorul Islam Community College, Kumaracoil.
Noorul Islam College of Arts and Science, Kumaracoil.
Address |
Post Box No.1, Kumaracoil Thuckalay Kanyakumari District
Tamil Nadu, India Pin - 629180 |
Location |
Tuticorin |
University |
Anna University,Chennai |
Affiliations |
NBA,AICTE,New Delhi ISO 9001:2000 |
Courses |
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