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Pillais Institute of Management Studies & Research (PIMSR), Mumbai
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Pillais Institute of Management Studies & Research (PIMSR)
About College
The Pillai's Institute of Management Studies & Research (PIMSR) was established in 1998. It trains students for Master of Management Studies of University of Mumbai and is recognised by AICTE and Government of Maharashtra. The Institute has been "Graded A by Directorate of Technical Education". In the era of globalization, education transcends crossing borders. They are essentially required to equip with international exposure to conduct business in a multi-cultural and professional environment. PIMSR is the only institute interacting with Fortune 500 companies through physical presence at their headquarters in U.S.A. Students at PIMSR are trained to be watchful and alert to new trends, to learn quickly and adapt themselves to change while ensuring stability and maintaining enduring
10, Sector 16, New Panvel, Mumbai-410206, Maharashtra
Mumbai University
Mumbai University
Course Details
1. Post Graduate Diploma in Management (International Business Management) 2. Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Biotechnology Management) 3. Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Banking and Finance Management)