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In the early days of the police department in Tamilnadu, during the British colonial rule, District Schools were established in the headquarters of each district to train all ranks in police work. This training was of most rudimentary kind and many difficulties were encountered in imparting efficiency to the department.
The officer in-charge of a police station in those days was called station house officer and had rank of present day head constable. A constable who passed station house officer�s examination was promoted and posted to the post. Above the station house officer was the Inspector who had the charge of five or six police stations. The post of Inspector was filled in two ways, viz., by promotion of station house officer and by recruitment from outside the police department. The officers selected in the latter manner were designated as �Probationary Inspectors� until confirmed.
In 1896, the then Inspector General of Police Mr. Hammick, I.C.S., on noticing this inadequacy of training sent a report to the Government requesting for opening of a training school. The report was accepted by the Government and Government Order No. 773 ( Judicial), dated: 27th April, 1896, ordering opening of a training school at Vellore for Inspectors, was issued. The Assistant Superintendents of Police who were recruited in England were also required to attend the training.