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R.P.Sharma Institute of Technology, Patna
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The College is proud of its rich library and a well furnished and spacious reading hall. The College Library has a rich collection of Reference and Text Books for the benefit of the students and staff. For utilizing the Library facility available in this college the student are required to obtain Library Card from College Librarian. Students after getting themselves admitted in this college shall submit an application alongwith the two passport size photographs to the librarian for issue of library card. And at the time of issue of books, the students shall present their own library card to the Librarian. The Library Card is personal and non-transferable and students are strictly warned not to borrow books on the library card belonging to other students.
The College Library and Reading Hall shall remain open from 11.40 a.m. to 5 p.m. on all working days. Books borrowed from the college library must be returned to the librarian within 7 days from the date of issue of the book. Such student who fail to return the library book on due date shall have to pay a fine of Rs. 5/- per day per book upto 14th day. If the book is not returned within 14th days a fine@ Rs.10/- per day is levied from the 15th day onward till the book is returned.
In case of loss or damage of the library books, the borrower of the book shall have to compensate for the loss or damage either by replacing the book with a new one or paying the double price of the book.
Students are strictly warned that they should avoid scribbling on the pages of the library books or underline with pencil or ink the important pages of the books. If advertently or inadvertently they do so, they will have to replace the book with a new book.
At a time only one book shall be issued to each student. However, in special circumstances it may be re-issued. At the time of the return of the library books, the borrower must present his library card to the librarian on which the librarian will put his signature and date certifying the return of the book in proper condition and within the due date.