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S. K. Somaiya College of Arts Science & Commerce, Mumbai
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Somaiya Vidyavihar is a friendly and welcoming place, with a vibrant and dynamic campus culture. The S.K Somaiya College of Arts, Science and Commerce, is part of this unique and historic Campus. It was established in September 1996 and through the years has grown considerably with more than four thousand students. The courses taught include a fine blend of traditional as well as modern courses.
All this was achieved under the capable guidance of the founder Principal, K.Venkataramani. He has today assumed a leading role in the University of Mumbai as the Registrar. Principal K. Venkataramani has been at the helm of affairs since the inception of the college. As the first principal , he has guided the transformation of the college into a wide-ranging institute for advanced study. Under his leadership, S. K. Somaiya College of Arts, Science and Commerce emerged as one of the foremost centers of scholarly and creative enterprise, distinctive for its multidisciplinary focus and the exploration of new knowledge at the crossroads of traditional fields. Tapping teachers' and students' potential, with strength and clarity of vision, he has steered the teachers and students to achieve greater heights. The faculty at S. K. Somaiya College is young, dedicated and motivated to rise to every challenge. Many have been here since the college started and along with the newcomers they have nurtured in realizing the dream of making this Institution one of the best in the educational field.