Find precise and comprehensive information on SD College, Alappuzha located in the city of Kollam. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
Sanatana Dharma College, Alappuzha grew out of Sanatana Vidya Sala founded in 1905, Sanatana Dharma College came into existence as a result of the sincere and dedicated efforts of Sri. K. Parthasaraty Iyengar and Sri. V. Sundararaja Naidu.
The College began functioning on 20th June 1946. Intermediate classes and a few degree courses formed the first batches and were conducted in thatched sheds annexed to the parent school. The college was shifted to the present campus in 1950, by which time affiliation to a few more courses was granted. At present it has an imposing building, besides the post graduate blocks and Central Library building. The college spreads out on an expanse of 20 acres of land on the National Highway. The college has eleven teaching departments with degree courses and seven post graduate courses. This institutions has been approved by the UGC for starting a vocational course in Biotechnology and it is already an approved research centre for Botany.
The College has more than 4,000 students, of which more than half are girls. The staff strength is above 225; of the 151 teachers, 24 are Ph.D. holders and another 78 have M. Phil Degree.. The NSS unit of the college has bagged the award for the best Unit in the University many years in succession. In addition, various other forums like NCC, Women's Studies Centre, Career Club, Nature Club, Adult and continuing Education Programme, etc. are quite active in the campus. The alumni who have passed out of this great institution adorn covetable positions all over the world. S.D. College celebrated its Golden Jubilee during 1996-97.