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Home » Colleges » Shadan College Of Engineering and Technology
Shadan College Of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad |
Find precise and comprehensive information on Shadan College Of Engineering and Technology located in the city of Hyderabad. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
College Name |
Shadan College Of Engineering and Technology |
About College |
The dawn of globalization, liberalization and privatization in India gave impetus not just to the much needed economy but also to technical education. India can now boast of having the third largest pool of scientific and technical manpower in the world. The network of technical institutions which now span the country came into being in the 1990's. At present India is a leading force to reckon with in the fields of Software industry, Space science, Biotechnology, Nuclear science .
At Shadan College Of Engineering And Technology (SCET) we keep that light of the nation ablaze. The institution, ever since its foundation in 1995 is in the constant pursuit of keeping high the self imposed standards of excellence. QUALITY, MODERNITY AND HIGH DEGREE OF SCIENTIFIC TEMPERAMENT pervade every facet of the institution , be it technical education, laboratories or infrastructure facilities. The campus is the abode of discipline, harmony and intellectual pursuit and abuzz with intense academic activity.
Highly qualified fraternity, sprawling campus, state-of-the-art laboratories, well equipped library, spacious playground and above all ever enthusiastic management make Shadan College Of Engineering And Technology (SCET) the numero uno.
We, at Shadan College of Engineering & Technology do not just impart technical education but also moral values
Address |
Himayath Sagar Road, Peerancheru, Hyderabad |
Location |
Hyderabad |
University |
JNTU Hyderabad |
Affiliations |
Not specified |
Courses |
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