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Welcome to the world of lifelong learning, the website of Urmi Education Trust, Vasna, Ahmedabad. The Urmi Education Trust, Vasna, Ahmedabad is one of the largest educational campus running professional institutions in the University, to which it is affiliated with. It offers educational course for teacher education, for continuing professional development, and thorough knowledge improvement with high quality delivery of sessions. Urmi Education Trust offers many undergraduate and graduate programs leading to excellent careers as educators, counselors, psychologists, administrators, researchers and educational specialists. The Urmi Education Trust, Vasna, Ahmedabad offers numerous opportunities with highly cited faculties, institutes and laboratories. Our staff are respected as leaders in a wide range of curriculum areas, as consultants to a range of institutions nationally and internationally, and as facilitators of professional development contracts. One of the largest and most diverse institutions of its kind in the nation. The various programs offered at the Urmi Education Trust prepare graduates to work with individuals from infancy through adulthood in schools, community agencies, colleges and universities. Its programs are accredited and approved by professional organizations of Gujarat Government and Central Government.