Home » Colleges » Sindhar Institute of Gemology (SinGem) - Bhowanipore center
Sindhar Institute of Gemology (SinGem) - Bhowanipore center, Kolkata
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Sindhar Institute of Gemology (SinGem) - Bhowanipore center
About College
Established 1997, Sindhar Institute Of Gemology (SinGem) today runs India ?s largest network of Jewelry Education Centers. All SinGem degree and diploma programs are based on industry endorsed curriculum. It's mission is ?To take Gems & Jewelry as a viable career option to the general masses. Also, to highlight the immense latent potential in the two distinct but inter-wined sectors of Gems & Jewelry.? SinGem offers integrated residential programs in Gems & Jewelry. Programs are broken down into intensive modules pertaining to specialized areas of study. State-of-art labs catering to various processes ensure hands-on practical training with precious resources viz. diamonds, gemstones and various metals. The aim is to syncronise jewelry education at SinGem with the global practices and trends. SinGem?s unique advantage of a pan India network allows students to visit all corners of the country even as they continue their training. This is possible via student exchange programs between SinGem training locations.