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Somany Institute Of Technology and Management, Haryana
Find precise and comprehensive information on Somany Institute Of Technology and Management located in the city of Haryana. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
SITM is nestled in serene and pollution free environment which is away from din and bustle of city life. SITM is situated 3 km from Rewari city and also 3 km from NH-8 (Delhi Jaipur Highway).The campus of the institute is beautifully located on the National Highway of Delhi -Jaipur. The campus is well equipped with important amenities such as classrooms, drawing halls, laboratories, seminar halls, library, computer center, work shops, hostels, canteens, indoor as well as out door sports facilities etc.
SITM is entering into 8th successful year of counseling with students from almost every state presently studying in the institute. The institute is spread in 25 acres and flourishing with lush green scenic beauty in and around. Institute provides ideal environment for studying as well as for personal grooming. Campus is surrounded with multinational companies hence giving a corporate environment to the students. High standard of discipline is maintained in campus to attain perfection in the quest of outstanding position in the field of education.