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SQTL is established IT Education and Services Company based in India. The company provides training programmes with a thrust on long-term Career Qualifications and the high-end short-term programmes in Information Technology. The Company also has a significant business in the Institutional segment where it offers Total Learning Solutions to individuals, Corporate, and Government. IT industry recruits and prefers employees based on the industry relevant skills, International certifications rather than basic academic degrees like B.E/ B. Tech / B.Sc / MCA. These IT relevant skills and certification programs are available through SQTL training centers. SQTL started its operations in multiple cities in India and has trained over thousands of professionals over last four years. SQTL provides training of international standards to students and working professionals. We offer Software Testing, System administration and other high end IT training programs to students at our centers across India. Our experienced Trainers impart training using the latest technology and resources.
"Dayaprabha House", Opp Sulzer India, ITI Road, Aundh, Pune- 411007,Maharashtra