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Home » Colleges » SR Engineering college ,warangal
SR Engineering college ,warangal, Hyderabad |
Find precise and comprehensive information on SR Engineering college ,warangal located in the city of Hyderabad. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
College Name |
SR Engineering college ,warangal |
About College |
SR Engineering College is situated 15 km away from Warangal on state highway -7 which connects the districts of Warangal, Karimnagar, Nizamabad and Adilabad in the Telangana region. The college is located in serene and peaceful environs that add flavor to the cause of learning. The artistic excellence of the college buildings form a suitable backdrop, and spur students to excel in their studies.
S.R Engineering college started functioning in the year 2002 with four branches of Engineering viz., Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Engineering with an intake of 60 students in each branch. total strength comes to 240.
From academic year 2004-05, Mechanical Engineering has been added to the list of options that students choose from. A post-graduate program in computer applications i.e., Master of Computer Applications has also been introduced. The sanctioned intake for both courses is 60 students per batch. The intake of Electronics and Communication Engineering course has been enhanced to 120 students. In 2005, the intake of Computer Science Engineering too was enhanced to 120 students.
In 2006, Information Technology and MBA Courses have been introduced with an intake of 60 students each. The Total Intake of the college is 540 Students per Year. |
Address |
anantha sagar,
warangal |
Location |
Hyderabad |
University |
JNTU University ,Hyderabad |
Affiliations |
Not specified |
Courses |
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