Home » Colleges » Sri Savitribai Phule polytechnic (SSPP )
Sri Savitribai Phule polytechnic (SSPP ), Pune
Find precise and comprehensive information on Sri Savitribai Phule polytechnic (SSPP ) located in the city of Pune. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
SSPP - Sri Savitribai Phule polytechnic started in 1996 by the MAEER?s educational research organization, MIT, Pune. Established approximately 10 years ago, this women?s polytechnic is named after Sri Savitribai, a great social reformer & visionary who devoted her entire life to serve cause of women?s education in India.This institute in the due course of time has given a great contribution in its own special way for the upliftment of women education. In the flow of time this institute has opened out its door for boys students as well. Located in beautiful campus in Pune, this institution provides absolutely right kind of atmosphere for technical exposure. The students are kept abreast with all necessary infrastructure & instructional support to achieve the best outcome. Moving aside of the external outlook of the premises, let us illuminate the internal vision of SSPP .the institute runs diploma course of three years duration in Computer Engineering , Electronics & Telecommunication, IT , Civil engineering & Mechanical Engineering.It comprises of highly equipped classes, workshops & laboratories. This itself create a perfect scenario too practically & theoretically work in the frame which is extremely conducive to study in.
S.No. 124, Paud Road, Kothrud, MIT Campus, Pune - 411038, Maharashtra