Find precise and comprehensive information on St. Teresas College located in the city of Kochi. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
The College is named after St. Teresa of Avila. Though a Saint of the 16th Century, St. Teresa is a model for youth in any age and time. Her teachings form the basis of Catholic Spirituality. She lived the life of a contemplative nun and later was named as the "Doctor of the Church". Allison Peers, who has translated her life says of her, "Her purely human qualities and gifts, the saintliness of her life, the naturalness and candour of her manner and style, these are some of the reasons why her name is not only graven upon the enduring marble of history but taken on the lips of generation after generation with reverence and love"B.A. Degree classes in History main with Economics as subsidiary subject was commenced in June 1927 with 10 students on the rolls. Affiliation for Degree classes was extended for Malayalam main, French main and Sanskrit main in 1928. The Economics Main was started in 1937.
When Sr. Beatrice, the first Principal retired in 1937, she was succeeded by the then Vice-Principal Sr. Antoinette. The new Principal maintained the Teresian standard of all-round excellence and expanded the college by the addition of a degree course in Indian Music, vocal and instrumental, in 1939. It was during Sr. Antoinette's principalship that the College Magazine 'The Teresian' was started.