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St. Thomas, one of the Apostles of JESUS CHRIST came to India in 52 A.D. His mission was to uplift the poor and the downtrodden. He preached the gospel of Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man. He taught the masses that all human beings are brethren. The impetus he gave to the cause of education for universal love had perhaps been the greatest contribution of St. Thomas. The great missionary zeal of this man of God has produced the ST. THOMAS MISSION, BHILAI. The main objective of this Mission is to work for the spiritual, social, educational, cultural and economic uplift of the people. The St. Thomas College (STC), Bhilai is one of the steps in this direction. Established in the year 1984 and affiliated to Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, STC has emerged as an institution of excellence in the field of higher education. The College is located in an area of 10 acres of land in Ruabandha Sector, Bhilai. It is a self supporting and self financing institution sponsored by St. Thomas Malankara Orthodox Church Mission, Bhilai. The St. Thomas College is run by a Christian Minority Community. H.H.Moran Mar Baselios MarThoma Mathews II, Catholicos of the East is the patron of this college. Late Lamented Dr. Stephanos Mar Theodosius is the Founder and Bishop Geevarghese Mar Coorilos, Chairman of the college. Under able guidance of Chairman Bishop there are a number of educational institutions in northern India. All the courses at STC are sanctioned by the Department of Higher Education, State Government and the Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur. The college has as its aim all round development of the potentialities of its entrants and inculcation of noble values and virtues in them. We undertake the responsibility of training the students to become disciplined citizens of the motherland, upholding the noble values and virtues of life. We are having an excellent faculty and therefore we discourage private tuitions. The alumni of St. Thomas College are well-placed in India and abroad. There is scarcely any area of activity in which they have not made a mark. It is a matter of pleasure that this institution is bestowed with a young group of faculty members with adequate scholarship, dedication and team-spirit, having excellent rapport with the students.