Find precise and comprehensive information on The NIS Academy located in the city of Bareilly. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
The NIS Academy is a division of NIS Sparta Ltd., Asia�s leading training, education and learning solutions provider, and a Reliance ADA group company. In addition to academic knowledge, the Academy aims to hone the student�s professional skills in areas like team building, enhancing flexibility and adaptability, increasing ability to deal with ambiguity and stress, tackling challenges and taking initiatives. These skills are not found in any curriculum and need to be enhanced or developed. The rigorous training provided at The NIS Academy equips students with knowledge, skills and attitudes to succeed. With over 17 years of experience in the learning and training domain, the Academy�s programmes are based on innovative and interactive teaching methodologies derived from the experience of training the corporate world. In effect, the Academy brings the Corporate to the Classroom. The NIS Academy offers programmes that enhance a person�s employability at each stage of his or her career. Some of these programmes are offered in alliance with leading Institutions or bodies such as, Annamalai University, XIMB, IIBF, IRDA etc. One recent initiative that demonstrates the Academy�s focus on leveraging new opportunities for enhancing employability is its tie-up with the IP University to offer joint certification programs in retail.