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Thiagarajar Polytechnic College (TPC), Trichur
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Thiagarajar Polytechnic College is the first aided polytechnic of the country, which was specially sanctioned by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of India. It was started by Late. Dr. Alagappa Chettiar, a great Educationalist and philanthropist, during 1956, with 30 students in civil branch. Next year students were admitted in Mechanical and Electrical branches also.After the death of Dr.Alagappa Chettiar,the institution were taken over by K.Thiagarajan Chettiar, Madurai during the year 1961. Mr. E.K.Menon was Principal. In 1971 Shri. E.K.Menon retired voluntarily and Shri. N.Bavindranathan took over Principal charge. After the death of shri. K.Thiagarajan, Shri. Manickavasagam was the chairman of the Governing council. The students performance were very high during these years. There was a set of very dedicated staff also who involved in all student activities. The present intake of student in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical branches is 70 each and staff strength comes to 90. N.C.C., N.S.S. and continuing Education cell etc. are functioning well. The P.T.A in providing possible helps for the student development activities. The Institution maintains good result always compared to other polytechnics in the state. Many old students of the institution are working in various parts of the world. They can spotted very clearly by their dedication to work, individual thinking, honesty and kind attitude towards others. Any product of Thiagarajar Polytechnic will remember their mother Institution with reverence. They will always be united with a strong bond with the institution.