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Home » Colleges » University Institute of Technology
University Institute of Technology, Bhopal |
Find precise and comprehensive information on University Institute of Technology located in the city of Bhopal. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
College Name |
University Institute of Technology |
About College |
Burdwan University Executive Council resolved on September 15, 1998 to set up an engineering institute at the University Campus under the direct control & management of the University of Burdwan - named University Institute of Technology (UIT). On September 16, 1999 Burdwan University Court approved the resolution. As per provisions of the Burdwan University Act under Section 2 Sub-sections 16 and 17 the institute enjoys the status of a Professional College run and managed by the University.
Sri Satyasadhan Chakraborty, Minister-in-Charge of Higher Education, Govt of West Bengal, inaugurated the Institute on Nov 13, 2000 at Rajbati & laid the foundation stone of the new building. Sri Buddhadeb Bhattacharya, Honorable Chief Minister, Govt. of West Bengal inaugurated the UlT building on September 04 , 2001. With the approval of Govt. of West Bengal and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).
The Institute is located about 100 kms northwest of Kolkata and on the southern side of Grand Trunk Road. The nearest airport is at Kolkata about one and a half hours' drive through NH2. Burdwan is well connected through rails and roads with all over the country.The University Institute of Technology, Barkatullah University, is a teaching department that started in the august 1997 in collaboration with leading industries of the region. The University Institute of Technology, Barkatullah University is an AICTE approved institution that is poised to become a leading centre for quality learning in engineerin |
Address |
Barkattulah University Campus, Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal. 462026 |
Location |
Bhopal |
University |
Barkatullah University |
Affiliations |
Courses |
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