Find precise and comprehensive information on UVCE, Bangalore located in the city of Bangalore. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
The University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, popularly known as U.V.C.E., is one of the most prestigious colleges in the State. The college was established in the year 1917, by none other than the greatest Engineer-Statesman of modern times, Bharata Rathna Sir M. Visvesvaraya. From its inception, the College has grown steadily and is imparting quality technical education. It has produced a number of professional graduates and postgraduates, who are placed in very high positions in India and abroad. The admission of students to the undergraduate courses is entirely on the basis of merit through the Common Entrance Test (CET) conducted by the State Government. Normally, the top-ranking students of the Common Entrance Test prefer and choose this College for their admission. The entrance to postgraduate courses is through the Degree, GATE and entrance test results. At present, this is the only constituent engineering college under the annals of the Bangalore University and has recently completed its glorious Platinum Jubilee. Equipped with modern laboratories and facilities, UVCE is known for its dedicated faculty as well as its progressive R & D Activities.
The cream of "Plus 2" students seeking admission to this premier institution on priority and purely on the basis of merit, excel in their academic endeavors. The alumni of UVCE, spread globally and involved in front line engineering education , research and entrepreneurship, stand testimony to the quality of engineering education imparted in this prestigious technical institution.
The College imparts quality education at both U.G. and P.G. levels. Every year nearly 450 students graduate at U.G. level from five disciplines and are employed in reputed organizations / institutions. Among various Engineering colleges of the State, U.V.C.E. was the earliest college to have opened P.G. courses and provides 13 courses at P.G. level.