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Vidya Pratisthan`s College Of Engineering, Pune
Find precise and comprehensive information on Vidya Pratisthan`s College Of Engineering located in the city of Pune. You can find the college address, detail such as university affiliation, accreditation, recognition, collge ranking, infrastucture, courses and many more. You can even contact the college of your choice to realize your career dream.
Vidya Pratishthan's College of Engineering where we stand today, was a thought, a dream, a dream dreamt by someone amongst us, a dream to do somthing special, a dream to connect mankind, a song to fill in the melody of quality life into others' heart. A dream to change a barren village into a fruitful paradise-a hub of technology.
Vidya Prathishthan's College of Engineering is, above all, a place of possibilities. It is a place where students and faculty know and share the quiet delight and the energizing exhilaration of scholarly inquiry, fascinating discoveries and inventions.
The curriculum is broad and rich in its offerings. The faculty encourage and respond to student initiatives in study and research. the opportunities to gain the global perspective and intellectual skills necessary for active learning, to train for leadership, and to consider the spiritual values of a moral person are manifest and numerous.
We at College of Engineering constantly strive to nurture and hone future Engineering Professionals, especially in IT and related fields.
Baramati, Pune 413133, Maharashtra
Pune University
Pune University
Course Details
B.E.. Computer Science Electronics
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