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Home » Colleges » Vidyalankar Institute Of Techmology
Vidyalankar Institute Of Techmology, Mumbai |
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College Name |
Vidyalankar Institute Of Techmology |
About College |
The founder, Prof. C.S. Deshpande had a dazzling educational career. In 1950, he secured the top rank in the Inter Science Examination of the Pune University standing first in every subject, creating a record in Mathematics and Grand Total and winning all the Prizes and Scholarships of the University. (The 2nd rank student was behind him by as many as 70 marks i.e. by 10%).Further, the solitary scholarship of the then Govt. of Bombay State for the highest marks among all the 4 universities in the state (Mumbai, Pune, Gujarat and Karnataka) was awarded to him and was continued up to the end of his education.
On the conclusion of his B.E. degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from the Govt. College of Engineering Pune, the Principal of his college recommended him to the leading scientist, Dr. Homi J. Bhabha through a special personal letter. Accordingly he was appointed as a research scholar in the famous T.I.F.R in 1954.
In the next year (1955) he appeared for the 'Indian Engineering Services' (IES) examination of the U.P.S.C. and secured the 1st rank in that All India Competitive Exam too. Consequently he joined the I.R.S.E. in 1957.
However, his academic mind did not find satisfaction in that administrative work and in just a couple of years, he decided to quit that coveted Class I Gazetted Service in favour of an academic career. Ultimately, in 1959, he did take the highly unconventional decision of walking out of the secure and prestigious Class I officer's service to dedicate himself wholeheartedly to the pursuit of academics. He started by teaching his first batch of students in a rented school class room at Dadar. That was the modest beginning of Vidyalankar.
Thus the basic objective of starting an academic institution was to satisfy the inner urge of guiding eager young minds of engineering students with a missionary zeal and imbibing in the receptive minds of the students nobler values of life, thereby enhancing their worthiness.
With the founder's vision and his dedicated efforts Vidyalankar has grown steadily |
Address |
Vidyalankar Marg,
Mumbai. |
Location |
Mumbai |
University |
Affiliations |
Courses |
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